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No idea where to go after the first rune

(1 edit)


Theres a huge wall block left

If you pick up the rune, it will implore you to return it to the tree in order to progress.

im glad i got to finish it i thoroughly enjoyed your game

Happy you got it!

(6 edits)

I softlocked myself before the third rune by pushing a block into the wrong place lmao. Protip gamers do not do this [FIGURE 1 ATTACHED]. Besides that and the slow speed of the gravity beams (why are they so slow?!) it's a cool game, love the theming and landscape design and the little dolls. Do wish there was a way to move the camera around so dolls don't have to be on your screen to switch to them, but eh. The little details like the scraping sound stones make when you push them around and the particle effect when switching dolls are a nice touch!

Figure 1:


Post-jam fixes are ready to go! Made the first wall shatter like the other walls that need to plates to activate, along with other fixes.